Saturday, May 30, 2009

Running Your Own Reports

Brian B made a great comment in the "Ban Gehrig Post", looking for more flexibility with running his own reports. Diamond Mind offers two basic types of leagues - Centralized like us, or Hands On, which requires each team owner to own Diamond Mind Baseball.

Hands on is by far the best - it gives each owner a complete copy of the latest games data their computers and even allows for internet play to actually become the manager of your team, and make all the in game decisions against your fellow owners. The draw back is cost - each owner would have to shell out at least $50 and more likely $70 if you actually wanted some rosters to come with the game.

It was with this mind that I never thought of giving owners more flexibility - I had always tied more flexibility with additional cost cost.

Along came a DMB add on called Trilogy. It is a free application that scans all box scores and spits out scores of reports. It is almost my sole source of information. There are three mini applications within Trilogy - one that scans the box score, the second the scoresheet, and the third the game log. Here are some screen shots:

Box Scores


Game Logs
Report Example: All players with 5 or more hits in game

All you need to get this to work is to download Trilogy here, and a new box score file that I will post each week, here. Extract the box scores to a new folder on your hard drive, install trilogy, and make the default folder your new box score folder.

Both Trilogy and the Box Score file are also linked on the left hand side of the All Time Baseball home page. I sincerely hope this makes a few ATB lives easier and more interesting!


  1. Thank you so much for making this available, very cool!

    Now if I can just figure out how the hell to use it properly...

  2. Let me know if you have any questions!
