Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Move Over Grandpa

Purely for kicks and grins:

4 - New Guys
3 - Middle Guys
2 - Old Guys

These are the number of "very good or better" teams, categorized by length of ownership tenures in ATB.

The Newest owners - those with 2 years or or less ATB experience - are producing more "very good" teams than the middle owners (3-6 years experience) or the old timers (7 years or more experience).

In fact, the middle guys are out producing thew old guard too.

When looking across all teams (not just the very good ones) the total number of wins seems more reasonable, assuming the more experience one has in ATB the better one does:

208 Wins - Old Timers
199 Wins - New Guys
190 Wins - Middle

Still, nine wins is awfully close and I personally love seeing the newer owners competing much more quickly than they used to.

- It happened to work out there were 8 owners in each category:


  1. PR - Uncle Robbies Boys - Say it ain't so, Commish, say it aint so!

    Wilbert Robinson

  2. I am making a come back Season is early gonna win win win !!BREWS!!!
