Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Turf Advantage

Interesting tidbit tonight from faithful owner, Brian B (Fishbiscuits) - "the 4 teams that play their games on turf are 3 of the top 4 and the 4th is almost at .500".

This is true.  The Red Eagles, Red Lectroids, Pinata Beaters, and Shadows are a combined 343-245 (.583).  But what of league's past?

ATB 14 - .557 (4 teams)
ATB 13 - .515 (3 teams)
ATB 12 - .547 (3 teams)
ATB 11 - .577 (4 teams)
ATB 10 - .609 (3 teams)

Hmm.  Brian may in fact be onto something.  I didn't have the time to write the following down, but I also noticed many of these teams had incredible records at home, further lending credence to the fact turf may impact games more than we realized.

Or, could it simply be good owners?  Of the 20 teams I found, half of them were owned by Lou P, Steve C, and Jason B and these three have combined for a career W-L record of 2228-1614 (.580).  Is their success due to the park or because they know what they're doing on draft day?

There were no repeat owners of the remaining ten instances since ATB 10 - David, Ivar, Jay s, Jeff, Justin P, Leanne, Matt, Mike, Sean, and Shotgun only tried the turf once each.  This group of owners also have had solid careers, combining for a .534 career winning percentage.

So, what is it?  Does the park make the owner?  Or does the owner make the park?

When I have time I will try and look at the winning percentages of these owners on turf vs grass fields.

Good one Brian!

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