Friday, January 20, 2012

Solving the 1800s Dillema

Earlier today I sent an email to league owners announcing the ability to request a reset on certain players.  The reset covered every era, but in reality, most issues we have encountered were from the relatively new 1800s player sets.

I was digging into the issue (again) and discovered what likely is a critical flaw for certain players.  The ballpark.  For players from 1901 through today, DMB provides a ball park database that is used when entering new players into the game.  Prior to 1901 users are left to fend for themselves so I turned to and used their ball park data.

As most know, DMB provides ball park data splits for singles, doubles, triples, and homeruns for both lefties and righties.  Baseball-Reference provides one consolidated number.  In a moment of apparent stupidity, I simply used the number without attempting to convert to DMB language.

For example, 1888 West Side park  has a ballpark factor of 107.  While entering this into DMB, I used 107 for the singles, doubles, triples, and homer run rate.  Had I thought for more than a second, I would have realized if one increases singles, doubles, triples, and home runs across the board by 7%, overall scoring would increase a heck of a lot more than 7% - the number that's factor implies.

My sincere apologies to everyone!  Those with weak stomachs may not want to read on.  Here are some players I think will suffer

104 - Ben Sanders
102 - Pete Conway

97 - Ed Delahanty
84 - Dave Orr

And Players I think will improve

96 - Cannonball Titcomb

114 - King Kelly
113 - Hugh Duffy
111 - Tip O'Neill

In the coming days I am going to reset every 1800s player using valid looking park factors.  I propose to use examples of what the park could have look like by utilizing real life dmb park factors from the early 1900s that match with the values.

For instance, if has 104 and I find a real life dmb park of 105 / 95 / 100 / 102 that also has a factor of 104 I'll use the DMB values.

All of this will be published as well.  The good news is that most players already played in parks that were close to neutral and their impact would be minimal.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience!  Look for more on this soon.

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